Dr.Ajit Saxena is one of the top most Dr. In the world. He gave me a new life when all indian top most doctor cannot solve my Urology problem. He is GOD ON THE EARTH for me. -- Shiv Bhagat, India
I wanted to take the opportunity to write and thank you for the excellent attentions and service provided by Dr Ajit Saxena and his team. He is an excellent doctor. -- Jonty Barraud. Kullu
The purpose of this note is to express our sincere appreciation for the excellent services we received from your very dedicated and diligent staff and doctor Dr Ajit saxena and his team. We were very much impressed and shall continue talking good of APOLLO hospital to all of our friends. May our Almighty GOD bless you all ABUNDANTLY. -- Mr & Mrs Simon Sumari from Morogoro, Tanzania
My surgery was performed by Dr. Ajit Saxena , in whom I found not only an eminent surgeon but an even more human being full of compassion for his patients. Even after my discharge, I have called him several times to seek advice for post-surgical treatment and he has been extremely helpful, which is a great support for me !! I would like to thank Dr Ajit and also his efficient team for all support and help. -- Arun Kumar Jain, Dehradun
Well my mother is getting treatment for couple of years, name Mrs. Mishra by Dr. Ajit Saxena and he is God for us. No doubt we were hopeless at that time and got one of friends references about him and we took a chance. I must tell you the way he took the case and handled was impressive. My mother is doing really well. And a Big THANKS goes to DR. AJIT SAXENA -- Sudhir Mishra
Dear Dr. Ajit Saxena, I just wish to let you know that I am not your only admirer. The other day, I was at the hospital in Dehradun where two patients were discussing about their surgery done by you. I was delighted to overhear their praise about your capabilities and helpful and kind attitude towards patients. What a pleasure and satisfying experience it was to hear them talk about you!
I did not know these patients personally but only overheard them talking as they were talking in the open while waiting for the doctor. I thanked my stars and God that He directed me to you and I too got my surgery done by you. You will be pleased to know that till now, I have absolutely no post surgical problems. Even my incontinence problem is slowly getting to normal and I am hoping that I will be perfectly alright after I complete my Zoladex 10.8 mg. quarterly injection course, as prescribed by you. May God bless you !! With regards and grateful thanks once again, sincerely, Arun Kumar Jain Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 21 Nov. 2011-- patient